I found an absolutely awesome recipe for honeycomb…
4 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Golden Syrup
2 tsp water
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
Dissolve everything except the bicarb in a pan and boil for 7 minutes
Remove from heat and stir in the bicarb
Quickly transfer to a lined tin and leave to set
It’s amazing, quick and easy, and no need for sugar thermometers
On the downside I still can’t find a good recipe for fudge 🙁
Fudge recipe:
1/2 pint full-fat milk, 550 g granulated sugar, 100g butter.
Splosh some water in a steep-sided pan and pour out – makes it easier to clean later.
Melt them all together, stirring initially. Let it get very bubbly and boil away for a while until it reaches softball stage on the sugar thermometer. At that point turn off the heat and leave it for 5 minutes.
Now the hard bit: stir it with a wooden spoon without folding in lots of air bubbles, until it looks a little ‘matt’ instead of glossy. The aim is to combine the sugar and fat as they cool, rather than let them separate.
When you feel they’ve reached this point, pour the mixture into a buttered tin.
The last stage makes or breaks it; if you beat it too vigourously, you mix in air and it no longer has the ‘crunch-and-dissolve’ quality of perfect fudge. Equally, beat it too long and it isn’t right either. Sometimes it never sets at all and you have a thick syrup…
That’s awesome thanks!