So there I was in class, had made some awesome pies that were sat cooling and we were cleaning up the lab.. When suddenly, as I’m steering a table while we’re pushing it up out the way, WHAM it swerves and slams into another table… with my hand between them!

It was the sort of initial pain where you stop breathing, someones telling me to shake it out, I’m just clinging onto the table saying I don’t want to move it!

It almost immediately came up with an egg of swelling turning a magnificent shade of black and blue.

I manage to make my way to the door, feeling kinda shakey, and both instructors are there, ones running to get me ice, and a cup of water, the other making me sit down on one of the stools in the hallway.

I sit down with the ice on my hand and start getting the sweats, and feeling a bit nauseated and feeling dizzy, and then suddenly I’m sat on the floor! Now there are mixed reports here, some people think I just go so dizzy I started falling, since apparently my eyes stayed open.. others think I passed out. Luckily there was someone stood there who caught me and lowered me to the floor so no extra injuries.. All I know is there’s a period of blankness there!

I got someone to call DmentD to let him know what was happening, thankfully he was close, so we sent someone out to meet him and bring him in while I stayed sat on the floor watching my instructors fill out the paperwork.

They wanted me to go to hospital, after the blacking out I felt much better, but DmentD arrived and reinforced the wanting to get me checked out.. especially since it was on the school’s money.

So I made it up and to the car, not feeling so wobbly, and we headed to the hospital, DmentD using his advantage and ringing ahead to see if we could queue jump.

We got in and registered and got seen my the triage nurse straight away (still with the ice from school held over my hand), and then sat and waited.. it didn’t take too long really, the Doctor came past and looked at it, wanted it x-rayed, the x ray came along and they took 3 pictures of my hand.

Results came back and no bones broken! So I have a splint to wear when it needs it, and I’m supposed to not be overusing it.. but it’s my right hand so that’s going to be impossible especially once I get back to class. And I will be back in class this afternoon, the Doctor offerred to sign me off for the day but I said I’d be fine.

Finally got home and into bed about 3ish. Trying not to sleep on my hand, keeping it raised.

And now this morning it barely looks worth the effort. The bruising’s gone down, for now, there’s still a bit of swelling and its sore, but whole loads better than it was. So I’m sat here icing it.

Well, I just had to be different, usually it’s going to be burns or cuts but No! Not for me!