I’m on the road!

So DmentD took me out for a second drive today after brunch. We started off in a carpark, at one end where it was quiet, and then further along it where there were a few more people and some traffic for me to contend with. We even tried out some parking!

Feeling confident he drove us home and then I drove us about the neighbourhood. It was good, I made it up to 30mph *grins* There were other people about, but not enough to make me nervous and then speed bumps and roundabouts to contend with!

After driving round for a while we went back to the house and I got some practice in backing into the garage and parallel parking using the bin and some crates stacked up as the ‘cars’ I had to fit between!

I’m doing ok, I’m feeling much more relaxed than I did last week (though still a bit nervous) and am getting comfortable with the car.  It’s mostly now the size of the car and getting used to that. Not feeling quite brave enough to contend with the busy busy main roads, but round here was good.. and after the parking I felt up to going round the neighbourhood some more.

I even remembered to keep to the right side of the road! *grins*

It’s been a good weekend, we were dishwasher shopping yesterday as the one that came with the house died most inconveniently, we removed the old one and put it out on the kerb to be collected and the new one will arrive Wednesday.

We then met some of my friends from class for dinner followed by ice cream at Amy’s.. vanilla ice cream, pecan praline and hot fudge sauce.. oooh so good!

It was a moral obligation! DmentD was wonderful and gave me some vouchers for Amy’s (since we finally finished the tirimisu ice cream he made for my arrival) for our one year anniversary which was at the start of the week.

We had sat down and had the conversation a while back of when to mark our relationship, from when we started talking, from when we met? And settled on the day we opened up our hearts to ourselves and to each other and admitted that we were in love. And the Anniversary of that day was Monday, my how fast a year flies.. even if it doesn’t seem it at the time.

And now the year has past, I have made the move across the Atlantic, and we are living together. It’s going well, we’ve settled into a good routine, we’re getting along fatabulously, we have similar levels of cleanliness and hygiene around the house and our personalities and sense of humour merge well together.. so we’re amused by each other’s antic rather than irritated or annoyed *grins*

Happy Anniversary (even if it’s a few days late here) my Love.. Here’s to many more wonderful years together.