Marital Bliss

Friday afternoon DmentD and I got married! We were actually very close to being late for our own wedding! We had a few things to do around the house in the morning, and then left with what we thought was plenty of time to get there.. We got onto Mopac and almost immediately hit queues. […]

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The last couple of weeks in class we’ve been making showpieces. The first week was a chocolate showpiece with a theme of books/films/animals. I decided to combine the three and go for Harry Potter and the Phoenix! Surprisingly all my chocolate tempered nicely the entire week. I think this was because I was tempering much […]

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As An Addition

To the previous post.. it has just been decided that a rash of calls to the calendar commitee may be detrimental to the bill unless you are from their constituent! Apparently phone calls from constituents are far more effective than phone calls from random people.. and it’s taken them a week to realise this!

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For Those in Texas

Most people I know have already been told about this, however, there is a bill trying to be passed to allow baking businesses from home in Texas. Obviously DmentD and I are very eager for this to be passed. Tonight this bill made it from the Public Health Committee to the Calendars Committee (don’t ask […]

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Recently in class we took a break from the chocolates and set to work making some confections. The first project, finished last Friday, contained candied zest, orange marzipan squares, divinity, praline, fudge, pate de fruit and marshmallows. The second project we did from start to finish on Tuesday making toffee, nut brittle and honeycomb. I […]

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