Most people I know have already been told about this, however, there is a bill trying to be passed to allow baking businesses from home in Texas. Obviously DmentD and I are very eager for this to be passed.

Tonight this bill made it from the Public Health Committee to the Calendars Committee (don’t ask me for the specifics, this is my crash course in American Politics).

Anyway, there is a call out now to inundate and overwhelm the Chair and members of the Calendars committee with phone calls requesting that HB 3282 be put on the calendar immediately for floor debate and vote. It must be out of committee by May 11 or it will die. There are 7,000 bills filed this session, we must be BIGGER and LOUDER than all the others to get pushed to the front of the pack.

Please, please, please call them, it all helps, we want this to be passed.