Up on Curious Confections.

DmentD and I got to make it together which was nice after the last few cakes which have had me cake during the day and then him decorate while I was in school, coming home just in time to help with the clean up!

We made it an extra cake taller (3 2″ deep cakes as opposed to our usual two) to the the proportions right. It was a semi new recipe, we had done it with orange and so we made it with lemon instead, a little tweaking needed so the tartness of the lemons didn’t overpower the rest of the cake.

I will now always remember to melt my chocolate (for modeling chocolate) in the bain maire rather than the microwave.. especially when it’s white chocolate, that doesn’t want to melt fully and wants to leave me with lots of non melted chips.. that I then have to pick out so I can dye it black!