For those I haven’t already told I passed my first unit, BK101 with flying colours, getting an A. I finally found out my score for the last theory test today which was 102/100… Hooray for bonus questions!

This week we started the bread unit (BK110) and it has been awesome! Milk rolls, white and wholewheat loaves, ciabatta, foccacia, baguettes, naan, pizza! I’ve been loving it so much.

We’ve also started our own starters so in a couple weeks time we’ll be able to make our own sourdoughs. For our final exam at the end of the three weeks we get to write and create our own bread recipe!

I have been taking pictures of everything as starting this unit we have to start building our portfolio, it counts towards our grades for each unit and will also be a huge benefit when entering the job market. Go to the gallery to see them all, but here are a few to whet your appetite.

CiabattaFoccaciaFougasseFrench Baguette

NaanPain au LaitPain de MiePane de MaisPizzaWholewheat

Today, the end of week one, was the first exam. It was a slightly different procedure to earlier exams, since bread has to ferment and proof we started the doughs and set them to ferment, did the theory exam and then went back to finish them.

Chef managed to mark our exams by the time we had finished and I got 103/100 (more bonus question joy!) and I got 115/120 for the practical, baguettes and milk rolls this week. I lost the 5 points for the scoring on my baguette not being even.

I also had the bonus of being able to try rabbit! The culinary class was making it and brought some along, though Chef won’t let it in the class as she’s against eating a pet! So I snuck out and exchanged some of my baguette for some so I could taste it, it was very nice indeed.