It’s that time of the year, it’s finally starting to cool down a little and the leaves are beginning to turn. So off we go to the Texas Renaissance Fair!

I’m a little delayed in writing this, we went last weekend, alas this week has been full, of work, of building Halloween and of illness.

We set off the Friday night after work, heading to Humble to stay with some friends, we made good time (definitely went a whole lot better than leaving after class at 11pm like we did last year!) and had chance to hang out for a while before we headed to bed.

DmentD and I had planned for this year, we knew what shows we wanted to see, and at what times so we could make the most of our time there. We were up at half 7 and managed to reach the grounds just after 9. We missed the opening parade, but not by much!

We made it in costume this year, DmentD in his pirate garb, and I went in my new, fully handmade by me outfit, I was (and still am!) very proud of it, the bodice worked wonderfully and stayed comfortable throughout the entire day, the skirt was just the right length and the apron, while not really necessary, completed the look I think.

Our first show was Sound and Fury, a trio doing “Fakespear” we saw their performance of Romeo and Juliet 2.0, an adult show (well, they called it PG13). It was very funny, and well done. We all know it was scripted and rehearsed, but it was all done so smoothly it looked almost improvised, I think perhaps a couple of small sections were.

We stayed at that stage to see the next show, Arcene, a French juggling act. He was good, but I found his “pre-show” while he was waiting for everyone to arrive, more entertaining than the main show.

We then had some time to wander about and meet up with the rest of the group to grab some lunch before we headed off to see Iris and Rose.

They were hilarious, I haven’t laughed so hard! Definitely an adult show, and good fun. Apparently the last show of the day is their most raunchy.. we’ll have to try and catch that one next year!

From them we went to see the Bilge Pumps, a pirate singing group. They were fun, they sang some good songs and they had an entertaining act. Plus it was fun being targeted by the bearded old pirate *grins*

The final show of the day was Ded Bob… he was alright.. I wasn’t all that impressed by him though. Spoilt by the previous shows, I just didn’t find him funny.

It was interesting to see how in the shows, when they pick on members of the audience, it’s always people not in costume that they pick on!

Amongst all this we had a nice time wandering through all the shops and stands. Oohing at the pretty clothes, ahhing at the shiney weapons *grins* came away having just bought an ice cream though. DmentD failed at the strength test this year, he claims his costume hampered him…

We ended the day tired out, and happy, what better way can there be!