With the time and the inclination on hand this weekend DmentD and I decided to have a try at a new sourdough recipe. We started it yesterday morning, mixing the starter (good ol’ Bready) with some water and flour to create a sponge and letting it ferment for 12 hours.

Then last night, when we got home from GonzO’s birthday gathering we started the second step, adding some more flour and water to form more of a dough, and letting that ferment while we slept.

This morning before breakfast we added the final ingredients and formed the two loaves it made. Letting it proof while we went shopping we came back this afternoon and baked it off.

Definitely not a loaf to start without preparation, but definitely a fantastic loaf, soft and tender with a nice crisp crust, we immediately had to cut off a slice, or three *grins* and eat it with butter melting on it.

It needs to be a little more sour, next time we’re going to try repeating the second step which should result in more of a tangy flavour, but it’s a beautiful loaf of bread anyway!

This afternoon, while that was baking, I started some kolaches to take for Thanksgiving breakfast. We managed to get the same sausages as last time (chicken, roast garlic and mozzarella.. mmm yummy) only this time I ran out of bread flour so I had to sub in some whole wheat.. I’m interested to see how these turn out.

The rest of this week has been alright, not a whole lot to do at work. I did manage to cycle most of the way in to work one day, taking the bus the last couple of miles (and all the way home at the end of the day), I want to try and do that vaguely regularly and see how that goes.